Thursday, June 30, 2011

Calling All Contest Mavens: One Day Left to Enter!

Photo by MJ/TR (´・ω・)

One more day to enter the contest! Don't forget to let me know what you did! Leave a comment! Leave a question! The contest ends tomorrow at midnight.

Picking up on the next tip in our 10-tip countdown.

Tip #10: Keep your goals simple. (Read the post here.)

Tip #9: Create actionable steps.

To-do lists are fabulous for such a goal as this. In my planner each morning, I list the items that must get done during the day. Under each "umbrella" item, I list the steps that are necessary to completing the goal. Seeing the pieces enables me to better estimate the required time, energy, and resources.

Need a little motivation from a post from the past?

Dear June, Motivate Me!

Come back tomorrow for a photo I plan to post in honor of the July 4th weekend.

Be safe,

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Female Without Apology

Photo by nezumichuu
I am putting today's hospitality post on hold. I just finished reading an article that has effectively raised my blood pressure several points. And you are the lucky recipient of today's soap box response.
TODAY Moms posted an article entitled, No 'He' or 'She' at Gender-free Preschool. This article, written by Jenny Kales, begins with these words:

Does your young daughter play with cars? Does your preschool-aged son pretend to cook with mom? Many parents these days reject traditional (and often, rigid) gender roles for their kids, happily buying trucks and trains for girls and encouraging boys to explore toy kitchens.

Read the full article here.

Make no mistake, I understand the value of teaching children to be well-rounded contributors to society. My husband, who couldn't be more male if you fed him a testosterone-only diet, is a phenomenal cook. He can out-souffle me any day of the week. Go on a camping trip with him, and you'll eat a better breakfast created over an open flame than you'll ever get with me standing over a stove. My mother-in-law did me a great service by allowing (read: encouraging) my husband to love the kitchen.

But the issue of gender equality--as presented in this article as well as the recent, well-publicized decision of a family to keep its child's gender a secret--extends beyond creating children who are free to learn or create or experience. In my opinion, hiding gender does nothing to promote well-rounded additions to society.

I believe an obsession with stifling a child's gender--and attacking the subsequent realities that accompany it--actually demonstrates the worst kind of inequality. Taking a boy and a girl--each with his or her unique gender-specific qualities--and making those children blank slates is not a service.

Being indistinguishable is not the same as being equal. Gender is not responsible for the ills in our society. Men and women who make bad choices are responsibility for the problems. Take away the "men" and "women" and all you have are people who make bad choices.

The true way to celebrate our equal value as men and women is to celebrate the things that make us unique.

I will not apologize for being female. There are things I can't do and things I do well. There are things my husband excells in and things he needs me to help him accomplish. And many of those strengths and weaknesses drive a straight line back to our gender-specific roles. This compensation, this harmonization, this stabilization ... makes us equal in value and importance.

Make no mistake, I hope my boys learn to cook. I hope my daughters line up tanks and army people along the headboard of their bed just like I did with my brother growing up.

But I hope they remain unapologetic for how they were created.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cover Girl

Princess Diana and Kate Middleton on the cover of the July 4, 2011, issue of Newsweek magazine.

What's wrong with this picture?
Brilliant or bad taste? Tonight's In Print brings you a photo that is touching nerves--for good or bad--around the world. In celebration of her 50th birthday, the cover shows Princess Diana as she might appear if she were still alive. The jury is still out about what I think about this Newsweek cover. What do YOU think?

Tonight I want to bring you tip #10 in the 10 tips that could change our lives if we allow them to work. (Tomorrow night I will bring you tip #9 ...)

Tip #10: Keep your goals simple. One of the reasons the House Honcho program (and other programs) work is because the goals are simple. Having as a goal to "clean the house" or "white glove the basement" is tough because it's large. "Conquering the world" rarely gets anyone anywhere.

No matter what our goals are--whether we're cleaning a cabinet or clearing a counter--we will be much more likely to reach them if they are achievable.

Three more days to enter the contest!

Keep it simple--

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Into Every Drawer a Bit of Junk Must Fall

Photo by Exit343
I love Junk Drawer Monday. It's like a buffet for my A.D.D.
2 things.

1. Thank you for your support of my book. I am overwhelmed by your kindness. Right now, I have 3,079 unread messages in my inbox, (give or take a few library book pickup notifications). If you have written me recently and have not yet received a response, please know that it is coming! I have not overlooked you! I am simply moving through the list. Please continue to support the book if you are inclined. There are 4 days left in the contest.

Many genuine thanks to those of you who have already participated.

2. Today I discovered a list of 10 tips that pertain to spring cleaning (on a blog about writing, of all things!)--whether we are spring cleaning our lives or our homes--and I am excited to share my own application as these ideas pertain to house connoisseurs. Beginning tomorrow and finishing on Friday, I am going to share the 10 tips that could change our lives if we allow them to work.

Alright. Don't forget to post what you did in support of the book. I want you to receive a fair number of entries.

Happy dusting.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Endings

Photo by tsuacctnt

Tonight I watched a magnificent fireworks display in the lot behind my church.

As the first round of fireworks climbed the sky--whistling on the incline--I watched a child clasp his hands over his ears and shove his elbows close to his ribs. His brows drew together, and I could tell he was bracing for something he didn't expect to enjoy.

And then the colors filled the sky--first red, then green, then blue--and I watched the child let go of his ears. Soon enough, he was laughing and pointing and clapping. Fifteen minutes later, he didn't want the display to conclude.

And I thought of this:

If we could see from God's view and through His eyes, we would not fear tomorrow. We would know with certainty that the sovereign God of Heaven rules perfectly every day and in every decision, even when we are in the depths.

If we had God's knowledge and God's power and God's love, we would choose for  us what He has chosen for us every single time.

Good thing for us, God always knows the conclusion to our concerns, and the conclusion is always better than we predict.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Announcing a Contest: Book It!

Photo by tableatny
Happy Friday! Let's kick off a contest.

One week ago today, my first book launched. I say "first" because there are a few more ideas rattling around that I may put to paper next. We'll see.

I appreciate--more than you can imagine--the show of support I have received from my friends and family. Promoting the book is something I need help with. I'm as good a salesman as I am a dentist.

[Insert a wail of distress.]

Which brings me to you. I am looking to get the word out that the book is finished. Our publishing company has graciously allowed profits to go to our adoption expenses if the book is bought here. Ridiculously kind, really. We have miles to go before our adoption expenses are paid.

So here is where the contest comes in. Each time you do one of the following things, your name will be added to the hat. [Scroll down to see the prize.]

1. "Like" the page where the book was announced by scrolling to the bottom. (You may need to click on "comments" to choose the "like" button).

2. Share the page where the book was announced in a Facebook status.

3. Simply talk about the book in a Facebook status.

4. Encourage someone to check out the book (in any way you choose).

5. Get creative and do your own promotion of the book. (I would LOVE to see what you come up with!) I would be honored to write a guest post if you run a blog.

I need your help to tell people the book is available. Whether or not you have any plans to read it, I ask you to consider sharing the news with your friends on my behalf. (I ask on bended knee, really.) It would mean more than you know. And it will go a long way in bringing our little fellow home.

Here is the prize: I will send you a book with a personalized note from Luke and me--written to anyone you choose (perhaps you know someone who could benefit from a book on waiting?)--and tucked inside the book, you will find a $20 gift card to Bed Bath & Beyond.

Two of my worlds colliding--home and reading!

Please leave a comment on either this page or the page where the book was announced letting me know what you did and how many times your name should be added to the hat.

The contest ends 1 week from today: midnight, Friday, July 1st.


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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dear June: I Don't Have Leprosy

Photo by Steve Snodgrass

Dear "June,"
I am 34 years old and have never been married. I like taking care of my house but I worry that I will never be able to share it with someone else. Also, some of my married friends (particularly the moms) act like I can't contribute to homemaking conversations or really be a home manager since I don't have my own family. It is difficult to say it succintly. I don't know what to do. And I don't know what to ask you for but I am looking for your thoughts.

Lonely forever?
Cary, North Carolina

Dear Lonely Forever?,

Though this is a topic for a larger conversation, let me begin with this: Better that you have never been married than that you have married the wrong man. I do not minimize your disappointment, but I do want you to understand that there are worse situations than being young and single.

And yes, you are young.

As for your friends who do not want you to participate in home management conversations, shame on them. Certainly your ability to paint or clean or organize is not hindered by your current lack of a husband. Many of my single friends can out-home-manage me on all of the above.

Unfortunately, as people, we are too easily prone to value or de-value the contributions of those around us based on their status as compared to our own. Shame on us. You have a unique perspective that could lend significant insight into the home management conversation.

If I were in your shoes, I would identify the main culprits who have prevented you from contributing, and I would talk to them individually in a kind and transparent way. My guess is that they aren't even aware of the messages they are communicating to you. Or perhaps--in some way--they think they are "helping." If that doesn't work, there is the age-old solution: Find new friends.

If you need proof that love can (and will!) happen at any age and every stage, check out the following. They might put a smile back on your face.

WWII veteran, 99, marries for first time; bride’s 86

On 100th birthday, he married the woman of his dreams 

Happy home managing,

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Spring Flowers Bring Baby Showers: Favor Idea

Photos from my sister's baby shower; idea pilfered from my friend.

'Tis the Season for Showers
Tonight I bring you an idea that is both incredibly cute and delightfully simple. Introducing the baby bootie favor. I discovered this creative idea at my sister's shower last week. The instructions are simple.

Collect the following:

1. Paper ketchup cups (such as you might find at your local fast food store)
2. Cotton balls
3. Colored tissues (pink, green, blue, white, patterned)--travel tissue packs work well!
4. Goodies (trail mix, candy, mints)

Follow these instructions:

1. Glue one of the cotton balls to one side of the ketchup cup.
2. Take one tissue and wrap it around the ketchup cup (and the cotton ball), carefully tucking the ends of the tissue inside the cup.
3. Take a second ketchup cup and slide it inside and fill with goodies.
4. Use these cups as a centerpiece, display on a tiered tray, use as individual favors at each seat.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The End Is Near! (At Least for the Phone Book)

Photo by Eric Fischer

In tonight's In Print, I bring you this devastating news from

"California residents will no longer see residential phone books unceremoniously dumped on their driveways and porches. Regulators there have approved a request by Verizon (VZ) to end the practice." Read the article here.

I'm not sure how I feel about the potential demise of the phone book.

But as long as we're giving up important staples in our life, I have decided to give up drinking anything but water for the next 100 days. I am going to experiment and see how I feel.

I'm guessing I'll be done with the experiment by Tuesday.
I wonder if they'd ever decide to bring the phone book back . . .

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Chasing Fireflies

Tonight, I bring you photos of a lovely outdoor celebration I attended on Friday night.
The party was hosted by my parents as a book launch. (Read between the lines: We wanted to celebrate with some of our dearest friends who have supported us during the past 27 months.)

Perhaps some of these photos will inspire some outdoor creativity ...

And what a night it was . . .

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pearls and Thorns

Photo by mccheek

I do have notes I will need to post from things I learned today. But for now, here is what is on my heart:

"No matter the circumstance, the sovereign will of God has ordered our steps--yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's. And while that knowledge doesn't clear the pathway of thorns or pitfalls, or promise a trail of uncompromising ease, it enables us to walk with confidence on the path God has chosen for our lives, knowing our good guide is in full control (Psalm 37:23-24)."
Trust Hope Pray, page 1.

Thank you for your support of the book. It is much appreciated!

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Coming Soon: Your Friendly Neighborhood Superstore

Photo by Polycart

On the eve of my book launch, I am going to take it easy and share an interesting article I read earlier today on

In short: "Two of the nation’s biggest and most prominent retailers, Target and Wal-Mart, are testing out smaller versions of their familiar megastores" (Allison Linn).

Read the article here. Imagine "stopping in" at a Wal-Mart or Target on the corner of your street, the way you might swing by a 7-Eleven on the way home from work. Convenient or annoying?

Either way, this is an interesting move.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Introducing: Trust Hope Pray

When my husband and I first discussed writing a book, we considered writing about adoption.

Adoption is a topic that has been close to my heart for the entirety of my life. I was adopted. Many in my family were adopted.

But the writing path changed for us when--during the 14th month of our own adoption wait--we decided to look for some resources on how to wait correctly. Though there were a few good (old) books on the topic of waiting, current resources--we felt--were lacking. Good people have said good things about waiting for centuries, but there is a curious lack of books dedicated to the topic.

And so we began collecting wise words on waiting.

When we signed the contract in June for Trust Hope Pray, we believed we were about 4 months away from bringing our child home from overseas.

Little did we know that our book was going to be a first-hand account of some of the most difficult days of our lives.

The publisher has graciously allowed us the opportunity to sell copies on this site for the purpose of supporting our adoption. Tomorrow marks month 27. We hope to travel soon.

If you are interested, please pass this link along to those who may need the encouragement.

Thank you for your support!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

E-mealz: My Gift to YOU

Photo by RowdyKittens

Tonight, I bring you a Web site I stumbled across this afternoon and can't stop thinking about.

Introducing E-mealz.
E-mealz is essentially a site that does the planning for you! One of the most common reasons people say they don't cook is because they don't have time to plan.

From E-mealz:

• The dinner menu is concisely organized in a one-page chart (no long recipes or printing several pages - just one sheet to keep up with in your kitchen!)

• No wordy instructions - just to the point and easy to follow at-a-glance (for the harried Mom!)

• All the side dishes are included in the menu and grocery list

• Grocery list is concisely organized by grocery sections in a one-page chart

• Includes an extra column for you to add "Other Groceries I Need"

• The TOTAL COST of your grocery list is given at the bottom (except for the Any Store plans). We work to keep the grocery total at a $75 average.

• Necessary staples are listed and organized by meal #

• Want to eliminate a meal? Just cross out each grocery item on the grocery list with that corresponding meal # beside it. (Takes just a minute!)

Brilliant, really. Best of all, Dave Ramsey approves.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

On the Cheap: 12 Summer Activities

Photo by Bermi Ferrer

One of the most frequent questions I have received during the past week is, "What to do this summer?!" Here are a dozen ideas. Please consider adding one of your own!

1. Set up the sprinkler.
2. Read.
3. Volunteer. (Help a neighbor!)
4. Have a picnic.
5. Garden.
6. Go on a hike.
7. Camp in the backyard.
8. Plan a scavenger hunt for the kids.
9. Have a yard sale. (Sell lemonade!)
10. Research community events.
11. Go to the zoo.
12. Check with the library for events.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

(Neon) Sign of the Times

Photo by Skeggzatori
There are Sundays in which I learn so much that I fear my brain will go on strike for the following week. Today was one of those Sundays.
In my bedroom when I was growing up, there was a neon pink, laminated Bible verse that hung on the inside of my closet. As a result of seeing that verse every time I opened the door, the words were permanently seared in my memory. The verse was as follows:

I Corinthians 10:13, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that [you] may be able to bear it."

Today, my pastor taught me new things about this verse. Perhaps it's time to ressurect the neon sign. Here is some of what I learned:

1. Believing our trial is unique to us makes the case for us to be irresponsible in our response.

2. The results of a wrong response to testing is hopelessness.

3. God always provides a holy alternative to a sinful choice.

I am choosing to live with hope this week. I hope you'll join me--

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome to My Dark Place

Step into my office.

Because today is Favorite Things Friday, I've decided to give you a quick tour of one of my all-time favorites. Introducing my desk . . . where the magic happens.

Photo by me: my office essentials--water, phone, calculator, random drawing of Christopher Walken on my white board

Never to be outdone by a doctor's office, I keep a full stack on hand at all times:

Photo by me: have you seen anything more attractive?

Want a home office? Here are 5 important points to consider:

1. Stock your office space with the items you need so that precious office time isn't spent running around the house looking for scissors or pens (or candy).

2. Don't have an extra room for your office? Look for space under the stairs, in a walk-in closet, in the garage. (My first home office was in the laundry room.)

3. Remember the golden rule: You can mount a shelf just about anywhere.

4. The more you enjoy your office, the easier it will be to return. Make it a pleasant space.

5. You can make a desk out of anything. A door or old countertop material placed over saw horses is sufficient.

Nothing says, "Bliss" like a home office. Enjoy!

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Those "Dog Gone" Days of Summer

Photo by me: Meet my dog, Bronte, who believes cars were made for dogs.

Two things tonight. I will keep this snappy.
1. So this afternoon my husband and I rescued a dog. (Not the one pictured above.) It's kind of become a hobby for us. Whenever we see a pooch trotting down the street--particularly if it's a busy road--we'll pull the car over and snap into action. We have a little corner & capture approach we like to take. I think we've rescued 5 dogs in recent months. Thankfully, all of them have been reunited with their owners.

(Good thing, too, because our city has a pet limit.)

So when we located the dog's owner today, the man told us that the meter reader left the gate open on the way out. The owner unwittingly let his 2 dogs out the back door (as he always does) and both dogs disappeared.

Note to self: always double-check the gate.

2. On a completely different note, Taste of Home wants to say, "Thanks" to the men and women of the Armed Forces who protect our freedom every day. Each time someone views Taste of Home's Flag Cake before July 4th, 2011, Taste of Home will donate 10¢ to the USO (up to $100,000)!

It takes 2 seconds, and the flag cake could actually get the wheels turning for July 4th celebrations we will begin planning soon. Win/win.

Final tip of the day: Don't brush your teeth with a brick.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Scream. You Scream. We All Scream (for Gourmet Caramel Corn).

Photo by Steve Snodgrass

Today I got to participate in the creation of 2 new ice cream flavors to be sold for charity at an ice cream shop in the city where I work. I love when my job involves test kitchens. (Almost seems criminal.)

Because I have sweetness on the brain, I bring you a recipe that can be served before a meal, after a meal, or in lieu of a meal at any hospitality event. Taste it and weep.

Baked Caramel Corn
(from The Joy of Serving Others By Pat Ennis, Lisa Tatlock, Dorothy Kelley Patterson)

1 cup (2 sticks) butter
2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup light or dark corn syrup
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
24 cups popped popcorn

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Prepare 2 shallow baking pans, with sides, by spraying with baking spray or buttering.

Sort popped corn to remove any unpopped kernals. Put in a large container. (I purchased a large plastic dish pan that I save for big mixing projects.) Melt butter in a large sauce pan. Stir in brown sugar, corn syrup, and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil without stirring 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in soda a vanilla. (You'll get a reaction similar to one of your chemistry labs.) Gradually pour over popped corn, mixing well.

Turn into 2 large shallow baking or roasting pans. Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour. Stir every 15 minutes. Trade oven rack position each time the mixture is stirred.

Remove from oven. Cool completely. Break apart and store in a tightly covered container.

Makes about 5 quarts of caramel corn.

Rumor is, it tastes gourmet.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Slap Bracelets, Flip Books, Leggings

Photo by emilyonasunday

The Beetles. Plaid shirts. Gardening.
What do these items have in common? They've all made a comeback after sitting quietly with the unpopular kids for a while.

But there's more. Guess what ELSE is making a comeback, Friends . . .

That's right. Wallpaper.

Just when you thought you'd never break your nails or kill your sanity again while trying to peel that paper off the walls.

Anyone else in favor of bringing back the typewriter?

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Nurse Pink and other Kind Encouragement

Photo by Julija...!

Tonight, I offer gratitude and a story.
Thank you for the kind wishes and words yesterday on the 4th birthday of my son. I do not take for granted your encouragement and support during this season of waiting in my life. Each day brings renewed hope that my husband and I will receive the news we have been promised. And your kindness makes the days bearable in the meantime. Several of you sent private messages, and each was a gift unto itself. Thank you.

And now an anecdote.

Tonight, I visited a bookstore. I was actually working on my own book--due to launch in the next few days--and so I had taken over an entire table with my cards and pads and pens. Suddenly, I was intrigued by a tiny customer who wore a plethora of brightly colored barrettes and was taking seriously the task of purchasing a puppet.

She chose a puppet who was dressed as a nurse.

"What will you name her?" I heard the little girl's mother ask.

"Nurse Pink" the girl said with little hesitation.

"If I buy that puppet for you, you must promise me something."

(At this point, please note that I was no longer even pretending to work on my own writing.)

"What do I have to promise, Mom?"

"When we go to the hospital to visit people, you have to use that puppet to brighten other people's days. I'll buy you that puppet, but you have to make cheering people up your mission."

"Know something else, Mom?"

"I'm listening."

"We need to dye her hair pink."

"Yes. Yes, we do."

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Child of Mine.

Photo by franzi ヅ
Today my son is 4 years old.

Love is a funny thing.

When my husband and I began the process of adoption in March 2009, never did I believe that I would love someone I've never met with such intensity. I've seen people love their unborn children--sure--I've witnessed mothers with stars in their eyes as they unrolled that sleeve of sonogram photos with peanut-sized shadows. I've listened to grandparents talk about future grandchildren as if they were already Ivy League grads or self-made millionaires.

But I never realized how easily it would happen to me.

I promised myself I'd keep boundaries. I haven't put photos on the wall. The door to his bedroom is usually closed. I allow myself to watch the DVD only a dozen or so times a day.

During the past 27 months, there have been a (small) handful of days when I thought I might lose the ability to adopt him altogether. It was on those days that I realized how much the heart can love what the arms can't hold.

I never realized how easily it would happen to me. But it did.

Today my son is 4 years old. He is sleeping right now (or else antagonizing the night shift workers). He does not know what his future holds--how often we'll walk to the park as a family or eat ice cream cones at the end of Grandma's street. He's probably never played fetch with the dog or taken trips to the bookstore on Saturday mornings. But he will.

And though I know my days of perfect parenting are numbered (as in, I'll probably destroy my 4-year record on the day we meet), I know this much:

I love that little boy. And I always will.

Love is a funny thing.

Happy 4th birthday, Son.

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