Announcing a Contest: Book It!

Photo by tableatny
Happy Friday! Let's kick off a contest.
One week ago today, my first book launched. I say "first" because there are a few more ideas rattling around that I may put to paper next. We'll see.
I appreciate--more than you can imagine--the show of support I have received from my friends and family. Promoting the book is something I need help with. I'm as good a salesman as I am a dentist.
[Insert a wail of distress.]
Which brings me to you. I am looking to get the word out that the book is finished. Our publishing company has graciously allowed profits to go to our adoption expenses if the book is bought here. Ridiculously kind, really. We have miles to go before our adoption expenses are paid.
So here is where the contest comes in. Each time you do one of the following things, your name will be added to the hat. [Scroll down to see the prize.]
1. "Like" the page where the book was announced by scrolling to the bottom. (You may need to click on "comments" to choose the "like" button).
2. Share the page where the book was announced in a Facebook status.
3. Simply talk about the book in a Facebook status.
4. Encourage someone to check out the book (in any way you choose).
5. Get creative and do your own promotion of the book. (I would LOVE to see what you come up with!) I would be honored to write a guest post if you run a blog.
I need your help to tell people the book is available. Whether or not you have any plans to read it, I ask you to consider sharing the news with your friends on my behalf. (I ask on bended knee, really.) It would mean more than you know. And it will go a long way in bringing our little fellow home.
Here is the prize: I will send you a book with a personalized note from Luke and me--written to anyone you choose (perhaps you know someone who could benefit from a book on waiting?)--and tucked inside the book, you will find a $20 gift card to Bed Bath & Beyond.
Two of my worlds colliding--home and reading!
Please leave a comment on either this page or the page where the book was announced letting me know what you did and how many times your name should be added to the hat.
The contest ends 1 week from today: midnight, Friday, July 1st.

Labels: Announcements, Book, Contest, Trisha
I'm on it, Trisha. So far, I've completed numbers 1, 2, and 4. I'm working on numbers 3, 5. Since I posted the link as my status, I have to wait a bit to update it again, and I want to introduce you on my blog before I post it. But more promo is coming!
So excited about the contest! I have done numbers 1 and 2. I will also promote on my blog later.
I bought here, liked you announcement long ago, wrote comment on your page today, and am headed to announce on my status.
So glad for you gusy
Hey Trisha! I am happy to help. I have completed 1, 2, and 3 so far! I'll keep you posted!
Mrs. Creamy, so far, I liked & posted on FB
I'm thinking about this ;)
OK, chicken, does Trust, Hope, Pray have it's own website? I think it needs its own or you need an author-specific website, as a main site.
Just thinkin'
Hi Trisha! I can't wait to read your book, but waiting to see if I win it first. ;) I liked the page where it was announced, linked to that page in my status, shared the link in our Ghana adoption Facebook group, shared it on my blog, and shared it in my Ghana adoption Yahoo group (5 entries I think). Thanks!
RK, yes, the book has its own website:
Completed 1,2 (shared the page where it was announced with the Girl Talk Facebook page-Nicole Whitacre is in the adoption process) and #3-shared with a dear friend, who is in the waiting process for another reason.
So proud of you girl! My copy is right by my bed, and have been encouraged many times, especially by your testimony throughout this process.
Ok, now I have done four things: liked the page, promoted the page on Facebook, linked to the page on Facebook, and promoted the book on my blog. I also emailed a friend who is in the process of adopting and recommended the book to her personally. So maybe that counts as 5?
just did 1 & 2, will be promoting more i'm sure!:) so so excited for you both!
Does each time I tell a friend about your book a point? I've told three specific people about your book--and my husband told one, so I think Brad's contribution should count as one entry for me. :-)
I just mentioned your book in my blog, as well.
Just mentioned your book in a comment about summer reading. You can see it if you wish at
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