Dear June: Help Me Protect My Identity!

Mary Kiely, Illinois
Feel special, Mary Kiely. Your question was answered by an entire village.
As far back as I can remember, my parents have entertained in their home.
Labels: Entertainment, Hospitality, Hospitality File, Trisha
The air is fresh. The sun is shining. The sound of children's voices fills the neighborhood.
Labels: Clutter, Current Events, In Print, Trisha
It's a good thing Monday is all about the "Junk Drawer," because I am throwing in 3 random items of business tonight.
Labels: Junk Drawer, Kitchen, Parenting, Trisha
Two years ago, my husband and I owned a large, beautiful, brand-new house.
Labels: Guest Blogger, Sunday Pearls
I love reviewing books.As an editor, book connoisseur, lover of all things verbum, I am in my happy place when I receive a new book in the mail.
Labels: Book Review, Favorite Things, Kitchen, Trisha
Dear June
Labels: Dear June, Honcho Hints, Trisha
Does anyone say "stoked" anymore? Because I am pretty happy about kicking off this new hospitality file.According to the dictionary, I am intensely enthusiastic, exhilirated, and excited.
Labels: Hospitality, Hospitality File, Trisha
One of the reasons I began this blog is because I love networking with people who love their home as much as I do.
Though I am full of ideas (many of which float like ferrous metals), I am interested in hearing the ideas of home managers around the world. 15 percent of this site's visitors are from countries outside my own.
To you I say, Hej! Bonjour! Salve! Merhaba! Kaixo!
(Okay. So I know of no one who actually speaks Basque, but I couldn't pass up the chance to say Kaixo!)
So tonight I am rolling out my change for April.
On the right-hand column of this blog, you will notice the presence of a new blog button. If you write for/own a blog that includes any of these themes--family, home, parenting, decorating, cooking--I am asking you to consider doing the following:
1. Right-click on the blog button and save it to your computer.
2. Upload the button (as a photo) in the margin/outer column of your blog.
3. Link the photo to this website:
4. Let me know via the comments page that you are linking here.
So long as the blog meets the (simple) criteria, I will likewise link to you via a new tab that will go live on April 1.
I hope to organize links by categories so that you--and I--can continue to learn from home managers everywhere. Please consider joining me . . .
Labels: Announcements, Trisha
On Friday, we received the child history that we have been waiting for.The next item we need to cross off our adoption to-do list is a "welcome book" that introduces our little guy to his new home. So, this evening, I sat down like a child in art class, carefully cutting and pasting photos into a book. You'll have to use your imagination for the accompanying illustrations, but here is what the book contains.
"And on the seventh day God finished His work that He had done, and He rested . . ." (Genesis 2:2 ESV)
Labels: Lists, Sunday Pearls, Trisha
So the adage is actually, "Never a lender or a barrower be," but when you hear what my favorite thing is for today's post, you'll be ditching that cliche like last night's chicken bones.Consider the library.
Labels: Book, Favorite Things, Library, Saving Money, Trisha
Dear June,
You have mentioned a few times now in our daily to-do lists to clean the blinds. My question is, what's the best way to accomplish this task? I about tore my blinds right off the wall trying to clean them the other day. Micro-fiber is one of my best friends but it has not done the trick for these pesky blinds. I also have a steam contraption (which I love and is good for 'green' cleaning might I add) that has a hose with a fluffy attachment on the end specifically for blind cleaning, and all it did was smear the dust around. I'm at a loss, and now my blinds look worse than they did before I tried to clean them! Please help!
M.F., Allen Park, MI
Dear M.F. from Allen Park, (who owns a fluffy attachment!)
The easiest plan is to throw the blinds out each month and buy new ones.
BUT. In case you are not Donald Trump . . .
Cleaning the blinds has been on the e-mail list a few times recently because they collect dirt and dust so easily. Dusting the blinds often is an important key to avoiding the whole take-em-out-back-and-hose-em strategy.
In the event that you cannot dust them as often as you'd like, one idea is taking them down and putting them in the bathtub to soak (being mindful of any non-plastic parts that can't get wet).
Just last week, I hung mine in the shower and used the handheld shower head to gently rinse each layer.
I like to make a solution using a gallon of warm water and a half cup of automatic dishwasher detergent. Once the ingredients dissolve, I dip a cloth (or paint brush) into the mixture and gently clean each blind.
As much as it's disturbing seeing all of that dust attached to the blinds, we can be thankful the blinds are doing their job and keeping that junk out of our lungs!
Happy dusting--
I almost cried today.
Labels: Hospitality, Hospitality File, Seasonal, Spring, Trisha
According to sources (including this article in The Harvard Crimson), a Manhattan mother is suing a school for not adequately preparing her daughter for an Ivy League admission.Driving home from work today, I heard this story on the radio and almost crashed my car.
I am a plan-aholic. When I was a kid, I used to determine an escape route for ev-er-y-thing. I even selected the two items I would take with me if ever we had a house fire . . .Sunshine Bear and a book.
Thankfully, I never executed on the plan. And now Sunshine Bear sits on my son's bed, eagerly awaiting his arrival. (Well, perhaps not "eagerly," but the bear is there, nonetheless.)
Labels: Junk Drawer, Spring, Trisha
During my senior year of high school, I had a teacher who was an overachiever of the good variety. He was the hiker, and his Mount Everest was the topic of time management.Imagine that: instructing a group of teenagers (who think they have all the time in the world) that time is, in fact, a golden commodity.
Labels: Daylight Savings Time, Sunday Pearls, Time Management, Trisha
Tomorrow marks one year since I started this blog.305 posts, a million hits, good conversation, and 206 followers on Facebook later . . . and you--the audience--become one of my favorite things.
Labels: Announcements, Favorite Things, Trisha
Dear June,Thanks for a great website. I recommend it everywhere I go. It's been a fun adventure to watch it take off! I have a question for you. I have a friend who is always in my face about vaccines. She doesn't believe in them and I do. How can I politely explain that I am doing what I believe is right for us? She is a family friend and not one that I can easily avoid. But she is very bold and abbrasive about her positions."
This Sunday is Daylight Savings, and I admit I would rather go to the dentist than reset my inner clock.
Labels: Bedroom, Book of Mom, Daylight Savings Time, Trisha
Kids need protecting. Few adults would argue otherwise. But here is a threat we may not be taking seriously enough . . .An article that posted last night on MSNBC suggests that the line of dolls that children play with today (think pixies, fairies, and humanized horses) are a totally different breed than we played with a few decades ago.
In true keeping with the random nature of a junk drawer, I have two things to share today.First, we have a winner in our commenting contest! Thank you to the 32 comments that have been left on the new site! It feels good to be "home" in this new layout. Consider your comments the lavender-scented shelf paper. It's starting to feel much cozier!
Labels: Adoption, Announcements, Contest, Junk Drawer, Trisha
Labels: Guest Blogger, Sunday Pearls
It's Friday evening, and I'm here with an idea for spring.I love spring. Specifically, I love open windows and green grass . . . and bird feeders. According to my watch, we're 16 days away. I am going to celebrate March 20th the way baseball fans celebrate opening day.
Labels: Decoration, Entertainment, Outdoor, Seasonal, Trisha
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Photo by jbcurio |
Dear June
Labels: Dear June, June, Keep it Simple