Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hospitality File: (Bridal) Showers Bring May Flowers

Photo by Trisha: This was the travel table

Photo by Trisha: This was the math table

Photo by Trisha: This was the heritage table

Does anyone say "stoked" anymore? Because I am pretty happy about kicking off this new hospitality file.
According to the dictionary, I am intensely enthusiastic, exhilirated, and excited.

(In short, I am stoked.)

On Saturday I had the opportunity to host a bridal shower for a friend who is getting married in June. I decided to go with the theme: A bride's life in 10 tables.

I rallied a group of girlfriends (who are also friends of the bride) and we each decorated a table or two. The themes were: childhood, heritage, high school, music, college, engagement, favorites, math (she's a math teacher), school spirit, and travel (she loves to travel).

Walking into the room where the shower was held, it was a giant museum of the bride's life. Each table reflected a different facet of her life. (Which, consequently, led to a lovely mixer!)

Here are 2 things I learned through this shower:

1. Pick a posse. Hostessing a shower takes a village. Don't try to do it alone.
2. Write out your minute-by-minute schedule for the day of the event. Less to think about when your knees are knocking.

Welcome to the hospitality files.

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At March 23, 2011 at 3:37 PM , Anonymous Sarah said...

Great tips! Great ideas! I totally agree about the posse. The first baby shower I ever hosted, I did it alone. Then vowed never to do that EVER EVER EVER again! ;)

At March 24, 2011 at 10:23 AM , Anonymous Trisha said...


Thank you for the feedback! I understand the "EVER EVER EVER" comment. I have tried to "go it alone" on projects and regretted it with all my heart.

Kudos to you for hosting showers! We need to keep these celebrations alive. :)



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