Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Talk Is(n't) Cheap

Photo by Willy D

I have clear memories of my family's first telephone.
(Or at least the first one I can remember after the soup cans and string.)

It was pea green and attached to the wall by a long, spiral bungee cord that threatened to choke you to death if you turned around one too many times. (Consequently, my phone calls were only allowed to be 15 minutes long--so I didn't have the option of death by phone cord.)

One of the benefits of phones today is that you can go anywhere you choose and still stay on the call. You aren't bound (literally or figuratively) by calls in the kitchen where everyone can listen in and pretend they're not. You are FREE!

HONCHO HINT: Here are 5 things you should consider doing next time you're chatting on your cell:

1. Dust.
2. Sort a pile of paper.
3. Clean out a drawer.
4. Put away the dishes.
5. Sort the laundry.

These are "mindless" tasks that will allow you to focus on your conversation while still finding a few "extra" minutes in your day. There are hundreds of tasks just like them!

Warning: If you call me, I may habitually hang up on you after 15 minutes.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Daily Five

Photo by Trisha

I am a huge believer in routine.
One of my favorite places on the planet (apart from my oh-so-loved office at home) is a cabin owned by my husband's family. I am fairly certain--if I did not need money or relationships to exist happily in this life--that I would live in that cabin like a bonafide hermit. (Of course, I've never run this plan by the cabin's owners.)

But, even when I've had the opportunity to visit, it's always good to come home.

I crave routine.

I believe in our 3-a-day task system here on House Honcho. Apart from hundreds of e-mails from readers explaining the difference it has made in their lives, I have my own set of reasons it works. Not the least of which is my faithful friend, Routine.

Recently, I was asked if I could sum up the entirety of home management in 5 daily chores. Here is my answer:

1. Make the bed.
2. Leave no room without doing one thing to improve it.
3. Sort the mail the moment it crosses into your home and eliminate what you do not need.
4. Clean up after everything you do.
5. Plan ahead.

And there you have it. Agreed?

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Myth Buster: Home Style

Photo by Willy D

Let's bust a major myth today!
I have been a woman on a mission as of late. Last week I was working to banish clutter. (You know that because you carefully read all of last week's exciting posts on clutter busting, I'm sure.) But I am on a different mission now and for the entire month of July. I am determined to find a permanent place of residence for every item in my home.

(Beware, dear collection of candles and randomly appearing G. I. Joe!)

From my perspective, the entire reason the house can go from perfect to pot in 15 minutes or less is because items never really find a permanent station. It's not enough, in other words, for the house to look good if you open the closet and are buried by what falls out. It's not enough to dust a dresser that is stuffed to the brim with wadded clothes and unidentified miscellania.

During the month of July, I am going to focus--both in my home and on this blog--on the important subject of finding a place for ev-er-y-th-ing. And if it doesn't find a place--in your home or mine--I am going to eliminate it.

But enough on that for now. Let's bust a myth today.

Myth: Home management is boring, menial work.

Truth: Home management requires high levels of intelligence and creativity.

Never be fooled by various media outlets that try to tell you home management is for the weak or wimpy. True home management is for the strongest and most creative of mind. I challenge you to look at the items in your home and determine how you can use them for the purpose YOU choose . . . as opposed to the purpose on the label.

For instance, who says drawer dividers are just for silverware? Why must wire produce baskets always hold produce? Maybe you can use the items in your home in a creative way to meet the needs of your household.

I dare you.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sudden Storms

Photo by Vivianna_love

This is not the blog to read today if you're anti-inspiration. Just saying.
One of my favorite books is Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman--which is really funny to put in writing because I love so many books that I should never say any one of them is my favorite.

(Streams in the Desert is definitely my favorite.)

In her book, Mrs. Cowman quotes Annie Johnson Flint:

His grace is great enough to meet the great things--
The crashing waves that overwhelm the soul,
The roaring winds that leave us stunned and breathless,
The sudden storms beyond our life's control.

His grace is great enough to meet the small things--
The little pinprick troubles that annoy,
The insect worries, buzzin and persistent,
The squeaking wheels that grate upon our joy.

How true.

This week, I've observed the need for both kinds of grace. I've watched as a friend's life came to a screetching stand-still after her husband was in a tragic accident. I've watched as four members of one family went into the hospital for four different reasons. And I've listened as a daughter pleaded for the prayers of her friends on behalf of her dad, struggling with a difficult illness.

Additionally, I've faced looming deadlines, experienced frustrations in the office, encountered piles of laundry that re-appear in the hampers every weekend, and faced the insecurities of my own limitations.

But the good news for God's children is this: His grace is sufficient for it all.

All of it.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Boxes and Baskets and Crates, Oh My!

Photo by steffenz

Are you ready for a challenge?
This week we've begun talking about four important strategies for clutter busting at home. (Consequently, I am attacking my home office with a vengeance and am LOVING the results!)

Let's quickly review:

Rule #1: Everything in the house must be given a legitimate and consistent place of residence.

Rule #2: Always ask yourself, "Do I need this?" And then keep or toss items based on the answers.

Rule #3: Teach the members of your household where items go, and lead by faithful example.

Tonight's rule is accompanied by a challenge that I have full confidence you can complete!

Rule #4: Before rushing out to buy boxes and bins to store items that were once orbiting the house, first consider what you can do with what you already have.

(Not only are organizational items pricey, but they compromise your goal of simplifying!)

Challenge: Get creative. Find items in your house, (i.e., empty baby food jars, paper-covered shoe boxes, old bulletin boards--do people have old bulletin boards lying around?), that you can transform into organizational genius. These are much more artistic and attractive than traditional plastic storage anyway!

Then hop on our Facebook page and tell us what you did!

Keep it simple!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

All in the Family

Photo by srbyug

Mirror, mirror on the wall, which rule is toughest of them all?
When it comes to clutter busting, Rule #3 takes the prize for the most challenging. "What is it?" you ask.

Rule #3 for all HouseHoncho readers: Teach the members of your household where items go, and exemplify by your behavior that returning these items to their appropriate place is essential.

This rule may seem obvious--like wart-on-the-end-of-the-stepmother's-nose obvious--but the reality is, too often we expect our family members to read our minds. So you've just cleaned out the top drawer of the dresser and carefully lined up the socks by the color code. Along comes your unsuspecting husband who opens the drawer and tosses in the pair of jeans.

Why would he do otherwise if this has been the family habit?

Instead of bringing about Canada's second earthquake in one week, consider teaching your family where things go. Even better, make them part of the solution. Solicit their ideas or encourage their participation. And then model the change you want to see in the house.

Keep it on the down low, but de-cluttering the house could actually be enjoyable!

Come back tomorrow for the fourth installment of Clutter Central...and take HouseHoncho's first official challenge!

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cat Attack

Photo by

The clutter problem can basically be solved with one simple question.
...But more on that in a minute.

Right now I am sitting in the laundry room, tapping away on my keyboard, while a steady rain raps on the roof. If I could find a way to harness the rain water and use it in my washing machine, I would be as happy as a hamster in a hammock.

But back to the one question that will significantly cut down on our clutter:

What do I NEED?

House Honcho's definition of "need" in this context--anything that assists in fulfilling a responsibility or satisfying a duty.

I have received recent e-mails asking if decorations are considered clutter. My response? Not necessarily. A modest number of decorations assists in fulfilling the responsibility of making the house a home, right? Who wants to live in a cinderblock cell? (Besides Bernie Madoff.)

Decorations are not necessarily clutter. But we must beware. While a pretty set of frames assists in making the house a home, twelve porcelain cats in a curio cabinet may not be as useful.

Rule #2 for all HouseHoncho readers: Always ask yourself, "Do I need this?"

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mission Possible

Photo by moonlightbulb

I am a woman on a mission.
Who among us doesn't long for the day when clutter is a thing of our past? Do you ever feel that--no matter how long or hard you work to clean your home--clutter is the unstoppable force?

As a child I used to believe that, when I went to bed at night, everything in my room came to life. (No doubt it was a combination of every book or movie I enjoyed during the holiday season.) But really, doesn't it seem plausible that items in our homes can move themselves? I can clean my home, run out to the grocery store, and come back to find an itsy bitsy pile I would bet my house on that I had already taken care of.


This week I am going to talk about the strategies I am implementing in my house to combat clutter. Clutter, despite what we may have been taught to believe, isn't always junk. Sometimes it's useful objects that just haven't found the right place. Once objects are left to orbit the house, they become clutter.

Rule #1 for all HouseHoncho readers: Everything in the house must be given a legitimate and consistent place of residence. Everything. As in . . . mail, books, school supplies, etc. Ev-er-y-thing. Nothing is off limits with this rule. Whatever doesn't have a proper place is evil.

Come back tomorrow to learn the important question that will put you half-way to banishing clutter forever.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome, Summer!

Photo by nimishgogri

Today is the first day of summer! Break out the lawn chairs and lemonade.
This afternoon a reader wrote and asked for some good outdoor meal ideas for entertaining guests. If you have ideas, feel free to jump on our House Honcho Facebook page and participate in the conversation...

Happy summer!

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday at My Place

Photo by lovstromp is not primarily a religious website.
The Internet is full of blogs and websites dedicated to Biblical and spiritual discussion. This website is dedicated primarily to the improvement of and appreciation for all things home and family. Those of us who gather here--and there are hundreds of us--do so because we are home managers in search of networking and sharing.


Lately, I have been made more aware than ever before that a huge part of home and family--and therefore of me as the person who traditionally blabs on this blog--is a genuine relationship with God and discussion of spiritual things. And while I do not intend to preach--ever--I do think it would be fitting to make Sunday's blog a spiritual one. So.

Announcement 1: Beginning next Sunday, all Sunday blogs will be spiritual in nature. Short and sweet commentary on what I am learning and how it applies to my home. Feel free to do your grocery shopping if you are not interested in reading. It won't hurt my feelings.

Announcement 2: To encourage participation on our new Facebook site, I am going to offer a stimulus plan. Right now there are 31 loyal fans of the site. That isn't even scratching the surface of our readership--which is fine--but I have a feeling a few more of you would make a great addition to upcoming conversations. So. For every person who joins the group this week, (whether or not she is a member of, I will reach into my bag of best-kept secrets and tips and offer one up for consideration. And trust me, I have great ideas and home remedies to share. If only 1 person joins, fine. If 100 join, fine. I will show everyone in the group my gratitude by offering you some of my favorite pieces of home management genius--gathered over years of careful collecting.


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Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear House Honcho

Photo by VidyaRangayyan

Dear House Honcho,
My daughter "Kayla" is in junior high and wondering if you could offer a few ideas for Father's Day gifts that she could give her dad. Unfortunately, she has no money to spend and is convinced that means she can do nothing for him this weekend. I told her you would probably have some free ideas. Thanks.

Debbie on behalf of Mikayla
Colorado Springs, CO

Dear Mikayla,

Gifts always cost the giver. But thankfully, the gifts we give don't always need to cost us money. They can cost time or energy or effort instead. Do not be fooled into thinking that what you give to others is about money--it's about what you sacrifice to make something happen for someone else.

Here are five suggestions for money-less gifts this Father's Day:

1. Write your dad a letter. List for him the reasons you love and appreciate him.
2. Using items already in the pantry (with Mom's permission) make your dad a meal or dessert that he enjoys.
3. Create service coupons. Are there chores you could offer to help him with?
4. Spend time with your dad. (Take a walk! Play tennis! Look at old photos or home movies.)
5. Clean the garage. (But prepare your dad first or he may faint right in front of you.)

Best of wishes to you, Mikayla, as you honor your dad this weekend. Know that--even more than what you give him on Sunday--YOU are a gift.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blasts of Thankfulness

Photo by Trisha (whose dog, Bronte, is the smiling lab on the left)

It's an early Father's Day weekend and I'm heading out to spend time with family.
Right now, my husband is behind the wheel and my crazy golden dog is stretched out on the back seat looking longingly at the open bag of Doritos between us. The windows are down, and the wind is sending cold blasts through my hair as we drive by a beautiful lake front. Nothing--not even a high-priced spa package--could beat this feeling! (Even the ones that come with lime wedges!)

I know that I have a lot to be thankful for.

From time to time, various of my readers have sent e-mails asking me how to conjur up the energy or the will to love house work. Cleaning toilets, after all, isn't exactly a cheery task. My answer today is this:

Make a list of 5 things you are thankful for pertaining to your home or family. Here are mine:

1. We are healthy.
2. God meets our needs.
3. We love each other.
4. The future is bright.
5. We have a home to clean.

And suddenly the dirty socks and the dusty baseboards become a means to an end--service to those we love--and not an end in itself.

I am excited to share some good news with you on Sunday--a new addition to our growing website--make sure to check it out. Until then, enjoy thinking of your five things!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bring It Inside!

Photo by mapper-montag

I love when things like this happen!
Recently I received a request from Amanda B. in Michigan asking me for some specific examples of ways she could celebrate the outdoors inside her home. I hung on to the e-mail, hoping I would find some time to do a little research before responding. Well. Wait no more! Today I received a wonderful e-mail from a loyal reader and this is what it said:

I was so excited by "bringing the summer inside" that I had to share what I did! A small glass bowl of lemons and limes on the counter. Some "sand" and shells in the bottom of clear glass candle holders with tealights on top. AND, I took my brightly colored straws out of their cardboard box and put them in a glass vase in the cabinet. (I read this once as an idea in a magazine. It's supposed to go on your counter, but I don't have room. So, I thought we'd still enjoy the surprise of color when we reach for a glass. Next on the list: brew iced tea to enjoy with my lemons and limes.

I couldn't have responded better myself! I love when home managers get excited about their homes!

Keep it simple!

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dad's Day Gifts

Photo by vestman

Wishing there was an aisle in the store called "Stuff Dad Wants"?
This Sunday is Father's Day, and if you haven't yet decided what to do for Dad, you've come to the right place. If the father you are celebrating is anything like mine, giving him a tote bag or apron--no matter how masculine or well-made it promises to be--just isn't going to cut it.

Here are three categories I encourage you to consider when selecting a gift:

1. Family. Most dads will appreciate anything that reflects their family. Think framed photos for his desk or art projects in a neat display. Shadow boxes full of goodies from the kids are a nice touch. Letters of appreciation are a keeper.

2. Work. Is there something you could give him that will improve his time at the office? A new work shirt, brief case, or pair of work boots might be practical and appreciated.

3. Entertainment. Consider planning an evening of fun events for the whole family--in which Dad is the celebrated member. Baseball games or board games or a family movie night are great ideas, (so long as the movie is one he'll enjoy!)

Finally, I encourage you to think about gifts of service. This is something I am trying to incorporate at home.

Instead of bringing more "stuff" into the house--which will soon require dusting or clutter busting or fixing--perhaps we could perform more acts of service for those we love. Cook an elaborate meal, perhaps, or help the kids put on a performance or concert. It's hard to remember the gifts we've received twelve months after the packages have been unwrapped, but it's easy to remember the memories made with family.

Above all...
Keep it simple!

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Mr. Watson, Come Here!

Photo by Runder

I think we may have a solution!
I have been listening carefully to your requests for an open forum where home managers everywhere can share ideas and talk about home management in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. I started the forum, but there were obvious challenges right off the bat. For one, it was difficult to see who said what last. And who wants to scroll through pages of conversations in vain?

But! I think our answer was staring me in the face all along!

We now have a House Honcho facebook group that I intend to monitor carefully. You can find it by going to Facebook and searching under "House Honcho." In a few days, I plan to take down the forum--unless enough of you reach out and ask for it to be kept up. In the meantime, I will be updating the Facebook page almost like a Twitter feed . . . sending out little reminders and fun ideas that I collect along the way.

I have lots to share!

I know many of you are not on Facebook and that is not something to feel bad about. This blog and our daily e-mail will still be the mainstay of our communication. But for those of you interested in networking with other home managers who take their job seriously, please join the group!

Lots of contests and fun conversations await us!

Hope to see you there!

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gift Cards and Plastic Men

Photo by puuikibeach

Thank you for a wonderful week of clever status updates!
This evening I rounded up the full collection--there were hundreds of them!--and had a professional Facebook status competition drawer select from the pile.

And the winner of the Bed Bath & Beyond gift card goes to the author of:

"I wonder if can send me a daily email full of simple, intermediate and challenging ideas for handling her children. I can see it now: 'If you do 3 items—in any combination—you will make a difference in your HOME today.' Oh well, it works for cleaning!"

And just for the record, my response to that question--and several others submitted this week--will be coming shortly! Additionally, updates to the site will be rolled out as well.

Thank you for participating! Look for another contest soon.

Keep it simple!

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Friday, June 11, 2010

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Photo by Playingwithbrushes

Contest #3 is over tomorrow at noon.

I will have to go back to reading the comics for my morning laughs. I can't say I am looking forward to it. For the record, I plan to continue sharing Facebook status updates--though I will not necessarily dedicate entire posts to them--even after the contest ends. I've received so many updates that I want to share more of my favorites. Keep your eye out for more good times.

Three of my favorite Facebook status updates from today:

1. Had lots of fun house honchoing the office today. I kept repeating, "I am the stash monster"... but I must have overdone it because it turned into the "stache" monster and I was visualizing myself tackling this disorganized dungeon with a moustache on my face. Maybe that's what House Honcho meant in the first place because now it looks nice in here!

2. is the website to give sanguine homemakers everywhere a simple daily list of housework so we can stay ..... --Oh my, have I got the funniest story to tell you!--Oh. sorry. So we can stay focused to work first THEN play!

3. My in-laws are coming in one week, but since i've been househoncho-ing it up... I AM NOT AFRAID! :)

Thank you for sharing your status updates! They've given me several new ideas to share with you! Now, keep inserting this enthusiasm into your homes!

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Say It Loud, Say It . . . Laughing

Photo by Rowena of the Rants

Laughter is a lovely medicine.
Below is one of the Facebook statuses I received in my inbox today:

...was pondering the intrigue surrounding House Honcho's identity...Perhaps instead of a full-time employed woman who loves to manage her home, House Honcho could really be a corporate team of men who don't even do their own laundry??? Or, a well-confirmed bachelor running the blog from his ...parent's basement??? Hmmm.......what do we really know about House Honcho?!

Here are five things you should know about me:

1. I wear my grandmother's apron when I'm working in the kitchen.
2. I listen to Frank Sinatra while I dust.
3. Everyone in my home is female--except for my husband.
4. I dress up before I write my blog. (Don't ask. I don't have an answer.)
5. Green is my favorite color. Two months ago it was red. (I still love red shoes.)

I can assure you of two things: I am not a group of men, and I am not a bachelor. But I do get help with my laundry.

Keep it simple!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Look Again

Photo by itchys

Here are today's funniest statuses from some of our expert organizers:
1. –^v–^v–^v–^v-________ Bored to death? You haven't checked out

2. ... dreams of a better world, where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned, and where everyone uses!

3. ... suggests keeping several get well cards on your mantel. If unexpected guests arrive, they'll think you've been sick and unable to clean. OR you can use

4. Dear, the FOLD cycle on the clothes dryer isn't working.

5. It must be Wednesday. I can hear the messies in my kitchen quaking with fear. (

Thanks for the laughs. I'm surprised my neighbors haven't pounded on my front door and told me to quiet down. I have about 50 other messages I could share, but won't. Come back tomorrow for more!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Say It Out Loud

Photo by Saucy Salad

I haven't had this much fun since my parents replaced our record collection with cassettes.
My favorite FB statuses (stati?) sent in today:

1. It's going to be a busy week, so I am delegating the house honchoing to my 2 yr old. By next Monday I'll most likely sitting @ the desk buried under a mountain of the random household items she gathers, eating graham crackers and drinking out of a sippy cup.

2. ...thinks the House Honcho site helps you enjoy managing your home so you can manage to enjoy your home!

3. I go when I don't wanna do housework.

4. House Honcho (website--check it out) breaks down your household chores for the week so that you don't break down by the end of the week!

5. Dusting Rag = $2.00 Laundry Detergent = $6.00 Broom and Dustpan = $9.00 Organized Home = Priceless... There are somethings money can help you with cleaning, for everything else there is

6. ...happily hails House Honcho as the happenin' helper for her home!

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Reader Updates

Photo by Orin Zebest

HouseHoncho: is sharing Facebook status updates
Today kicked off the first full day of our "Say It with Sass" Facebook status competition. Here are 4 of my favorite status updates--sent it by our readers.

1. scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal today’s hint from

2. has been trained by to be organized and is therefore putting her thoughts in alphabetical order.

3. *House* = a building in which people live; residence for human beings. *Honcho* = One who is in charge; a manager or leader . . . = a fabulous blog that assists home managers in making a house a home.

4. is laughing at the irony of Saturday's being "basement/laundry room day" on House Honcho...and the time we spent hanging out in the laundry room Saturday late night during the storms. Good thing I had gotten a few things done on the list!

Looking forward to reading more of your creative posts! Thank you for spreading the word about our quickly-growing site!

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Say It with Sass!

Photo by modomatic

Let's mix things up a bit here on the blog with contest #3.

Contest #3 is called, "Say It with Sass!" (My own play on "Say It with Class.")

Here is how you get your name in the hat.

Update your personal Facebook account with a creative message about Do it once or do it every day--it doesn't matter! Each update is worth one entry into the contest. Send me your status updates, and I will share them with our readers so we can all enjoy your creativity.

To thank you, I will add your name to the hat in which one lucky winner will receive a $20 giftcard to Bed Bath & Beyond.

The contest begins now and will end this Saturday at noon.

Let the creative juices flow!

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Guilty As Charged

Photo by Leshaines123

There's no doubt about it.
One of my co-workers asked me if I enjoyed home management. I don't know if I gave myself away because of the pile of home management magazines piled on my desk or if it was because my face lit up when she mentioned her recent success with a magic eraser. Either way. When I told her that, yes, I love home management and taking care of my family, she asked me point blank what there is to love about home organization.

(I think she then complained about her sock drawer.)

It occurred to me with a sort of clarity that organization--specifically as it relates to the home--is more than just decorating, dusting, or de-cluttering. (Even though I will not disparage those necessary tasks!) Home management is about establishing and maintaining a space whereby you and your family can achieve your goals. It's more than measuring laundry soap or clipping coupons.

You clean the sheets in hopes of a better night's rest. You clean the kitchen in hopes of healthy food preparation. You dust in hopes of healthy immune systems.

So the more time we spend improving our home management skills, the closer we get to meeting the goals we have for our lives. It's that simple. And it's that important!

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dear House Honcho

Photo by gwire

Dear HouseHoncho,

My name is Kelly and I am from New York. I read your blog every day while I'm eating breakfast. (And then I pass off your list of chores to my sister. We share an apartment. Don't tell her about the chores. She thinks we split them.) I love the fact that you talk about baking soda, but you haven't said anything about it recently. So I'm wondering. What are some more of your favorite uses for baking soda?

New York

Dear Kelly from New York (who schlumps off her chores to her sister),

Glad you enjoy the blog. And I'm glad to have a 'soda sister' in New York who appreciates the true value of the white stuff. Here are my current favorite uses for our white gold:

1. Add some to your bath water for super soft skin. (Which you'll need after scrubbing dishes!)
2. Add one teaspoon to a vase of flowers to prolong the life of the bouquet.
(Which you'll deserve after doing the laundry!)
3. Put some under the sink to deter ants.
(Which you'll consider after scrubbing the floor.)
4. Pour a little bit into your dishwater to add scrubbing power to your dish washing.
(Which you'll appreciate after de-cluttering the counter.)
5. Mix it with water and wash your fresh fruits and vegetables with it.
(Which you'll enjoy after a long day managing your home.)

Now. Be a peach and give these hints to your sister.

Keep it simple!

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You've Got Mail

Photo by Jixar

I've got mail.
Messages like this make me smile:

Hi. I opened up the to-do list for today, and I just about giggled, because I feel like you must have taken a peek at my kitchen before making today's to-do list. Clean the toaster, the microwave, the floor. Really, I should do them all, but...swimming lessons, flowers to plant, a deck to clean, a bathroom to paint. Thanks for keeping it real. Love the emails, hope you keep doing this (even if I don't usually manage to get three things done on the right day, they are still inspiration for the rest of the week!)

Here is my response to all of you. [Imagine the little ding of the inbox alerting you to a new message.]

Thank you for reading my crazy blogs and following my to-do lists along with me. (Thank you, also, for trying out the crazy forum that needs a facelift worse than any Hollywood actress!) These past few months have given me lots of joy as I've fluffed pillows, rotated mattresses, and dusted my blinds right along with you. I look forward to many more months as we hone in on the things that make us home managers.

Never believe your job is insignificant. You manage the place that puts hearts at rest and minds at ease.

Keep it simple!

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