Guilty As Charged

Photo by Leshaines123
There's no doubt about it.One of my co-workers asked me if I enjoyed home management. I don't know if I gave myself away because of the pile of home management magazines piled on my desk or if it was because my face lit up when she mentioned her recent success with a magic eraser. Either way. When I told her that, yes, I love home management and taking care of my family, she asked me point blank what there is to love about home organization.
(I think she then complained about her sock drawer.)
It occurred to me with a sort of clarity that organization--specifically as it relates to the home--is more than just decorating, dusting, or de-cluttering. (Even though I will not disparage those necessary tasks!) Home management is about establishing and maintaining a space whereby you and your family can achieve your goals. It's more than measuring laundry soap or clipping coupons.
You clean the sheets in hopes of a better night's rest. You clean the kitchen in hopes of healthy food preparation. You dust in hopes of healthy immune systems.
So the more time we spend improving our home management skills, the closer we get to meeting the goals we have for our lives. It's that simple. And it's that important!

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