Memorial Day Challenges: Not for the Faint of Heart

Photo by EliJerma
I love Memorial Day weekend. Gratitude for the military, kick-off of the summer, celebration with the family, gathering of the church . . . what more could you possibly want in any one weekend?Well. I can't do much about the mother of all commodities, but I can offer you 3 challenges for Memorial weekend that might just boost your spirits.
(Except, perhaps, lower gas prices.)
1. Replace an appliance. Memorial Day weekend is the time to buy appliances. If you are looking for a new refrigerator or stove, do some shopping in the next couple of days. Sears is a great place to start.
2. Stock up for summer birthdays/barbeques/ball games. Party City is offering 50% off all summer party supplies. If you're hosting that fantastic barbeque on Monday, head to Party City.
3. Enjoy a Memorial Day activity. Wear patriotic colors. Watch a war movie. Create a patriotic-colored dessert. Visit a memorial. Attend a parade. Make cards for Veterans. Hang a thank-you sign. Play patriotic music.
Just talking about it makes me want to wrap up this post and get started!
Hug a Veteran--

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