Dear June: "Careful, Kid. Don't Bust a Boiler"

Photo by suchitra prints
Dear House Honcho,I wanted to tell you how much I love your daily blog. It always makes me smile to see it pop up on my email in the morning. It makes me feel as if I am getting a message from a friend. (Which I am). I think you need to have an "Extreme Summer Cleaning Makeover: Teacher's Edition" in June. By this time in the school year, I'm just too tired and too pushed to do extra cleaning. But in June--that's my time to tackle all those little piles of stuff that I've stuck here and there as I dash through life. It's a wonderful blog, Trisha, and I know you are soon going to have a great following.
"An Old Friend" from Missouri
Dear Friend from the Show-Me State,
What an excellent idea! For the month of June, I will plan to include one item on each daily e-mail that is specifically geared for teachers who are "summer cleaning"! Kind of makes me smile . . . the idea of giving homework to a teacher!
(This could be fun!)
Thank you for your kind words about the blog. It's been the Little Engine That Could (which I'm guessing you know all about since you're an educator!)
. . . I think I can! I think I can!
Many more fun things coming soon. Thanks for your support!

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