If you have lived, take thankfully the past. (John Dryden)

Photo by Dano
Here are a few little known facts related to both:
1. American author Mark Twin based the time traveler's trick in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court on Columbus' successful prediction of a lunar eclipse during his fourth voyage to the New World.
2. Columbus turned his four journeys to the New World into an entrepreneurial quest. He requested that he be made "Great Admiral of the Ocean," be appointed governor of any and all lands he discovered, and be given one-tenth of all revenue from those lands.
3. Canada first started observing Thanksgiving as a yearly holiday in 1879. The theme of the Thanksgiving holiday changed each year to reflect an important event to be thankful for.
4. While the actual Thanksgiving holiday is on a Monday, Canadians might eat their Thanksgiving meal on any day of the three-day weekend, though Sunday and Monday are the most common.
5. Canadian Thanksgiving customs actually evolved after American refugees from the American Revolution settled in Canada and brought some of their American Thanksgiving traditions into their new homes.
We would love to hear from our Canadian readers about how they celebrated their Thanksgiving holiday. Leave us a comment about your traditions and how you enjoyed them this year!

Today commemorates two important events in world history.First, it's the anniversary of Columbus' 1492 discovery. Both of the Americas (with the exception of Canada) and Spain observe Columbus Day. Second, Canada is celebrating its Thanksgiving holiday.
Here are a few little known facts related to both:
1. American author Mark Twin based the time traveler's trick in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court on Columbus' successful prediction of a lunar eclipse during his fourth voyage to the New World.
2. Columbus turned his four journeys to the New World into an entrepreneurial quest. He requested that he be made "Great Admiral of the Ocean," be appointed governor of any and all lands he discovered, and be given one-tenth of all revenue from those lands.
3. Canada first started observing Thanksgiving as a yearly holiday in 1879. The theme of the Thanksgiving holiday changed each year to reflect an important event to be thankful for.
4. While the actual Thanksgiving holiday is on a Monday, Canadians might eat their Thanksgiving meal on any day of the three-day weekend, though Sunday and Monday are the most common.
5. Canadian Thanksgiving customs actually evolved after American refugees from the American Revolution settled in Canada and brought some of their American Thanksgiving traditions into their new homes.
We would love to hear from our Canadian readers about how they celebrated their Thanksgiving holiday. Leave us a comment about your traditions and how you enjoyed them this year!

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