On Apples and Eve

Photo by Muffet
Apples, apples everywhere!
Our family is going to the apple orchard. I plan to make apple sauce, apple pies, apple cider and ... anything else made with apples. (Save potpourri or apple cider vinegar.) I am planning to attempt a centerpiece made of the beauties.
Then tomorrow night is the hallowed family fall gathering. I still haven't decided whose face I will put on the front of my pumpkin this year. Anyone care to sit as a model while I bury my arms in pumpkin guts?
Tomorrow promises to be all about fall. And all about family.

Tomorrow is the big day.It played a pretty intense role in the fall of man. It made Johnny Appleseed famous. It keeps the doctor away. And it is coming to one very grateful kitchen near me.
Apples, apples everywhere!
Our family is going to the apple orchard. I plan to make apple sauce, apple pies, apple cider and ... anything else made with apples. (Save potpourri or apple cider vinegar.) I am planning to attempt a centerpiece made of the beauties.
Then tomorrow night is the hallowed family fall gathering. I still haven't decided whose face I will put on the front of my pumpkin this year. Anyone care to sit as a model while I bury my arms in pumpkin guts?
Tomorrow promises to be all about fall. And all about family.

Labels: Entertainment, Favorite Things, Organic, Seasonal, Trisha
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