You Learn Something New

Photo by KDavidClark
I'm a woman who is married to a teacher, has hugged--and kissed--a teacher today, and furthermore, has obtained a degree in the field of education, so I have lots of thoughts on the subject. But as a keeper of my home, my children, and their minds, I find myself settling on a singular thought about World Teachers Day. And it doesn't include placing a red and shiny, edible object on the desk of Miss Witmer or Mr. Nelson. (Whew, I can still remember some of their names!)
As the mediator of many debates, the wiper of a few noses, the administrator of the welfare of the little people in my home, I can gravitate toward being a lump during my few moments of quiet or alone time. There is little difference between me and a scoop of lard.
But I have to tell you, I want more than that.
I demand more of myself than that. Just because I'm out of school, just because I'm at home caring for things and people who take little notice of whether I remember the names of all the presidents or can still solve an equation for the unknown, doesn't mean I can't still be growing. If for nothing else than for the fact that my kids think I already know everything. Why not live up to their expectations? I dare me!
I may not be a teacher by profession, receiving monetary gain from my labors, but I'm a teacher and an example to my kids. Soon they'll be taking off on their own learning adventures, and I want to join in on the ride. And sometimes, I just might want to be in the driver's seat.
So, on this World Teachers Day, I'm rededicating myself to the pursuit of knowledge.
I'm committing to learning about one subject each month. I'll check books out from the library, hunker down, and learn a little something new. Join me! You've got nothing to lose. And, hey, in the meantime, think a thankful thought about your kindergarten teacher today, without whom you wouldn't even be reading this post!

Today is a day that honors a profession that has had an impact on all of us.And it will continue to leave its mark on every branch and leaf of our family trees. No wonder the world puts it on the calendar. It's World Teachers Day.
I'm a woman who is married to a teacher, has hugged--and kissed--a teacher today, and furthermore, has obtained a degree in the field of education, so I have lots of thoughts on the subject. But as a keeper of my home, my children, and their minds, I find myself settling on a singular thought about World Teachers Day. And it doesn't include placing a red and shiny, edible object on the desk of Miss Witmer or Mr. Nelson. (Whew, I can still remember some of their names!)
As the mediator of many debates, the wiper of a few noses, the administrator of the welfare of the little people in my home, I can gravitate toward being a lump during my few moments of quiet or alone time. There is little difference between me and a scoop of lard.
But I have to tell you, I want more than that.
I demand more of myself than that. Just because I'm out of school, just because I'm at home caring for things and people who take little notice of whether I remember the names of all the presidents or can still solve an equation for the unknown, doesn't mean I can't still be growing. If for nothing else than for the fact that my kids think I already know everything. Why not live up to their expectations? I dare me!
I may not be a teacher by profession, receiving monetary gain from my labors, but I'm a teacher and an example to my kids. Soon they'll be taking off on their own learning adventures, and I want to join in on the ride. And sometimes, I just might want to be in the driver's seat.
So, on this World Teachers Day, I'm rededicating myself to the pursuit of knowledge.
I'm committing to learning about one subject each month. I'll check books out from the library, hunker down, and learn a little something new. Join me! You've got nothing to lose. And, hey, in the meantime, think a thankful thought about your kindergarten teacher today, without whom you wouldn't even be reading this post!

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