Death Before Dishonor

Photo by Andres Rueda
We must recognize that there is something worse than experiencing trials and difficulties, and that is experiencing trials and difficulties without hoping in God. There is also the danger of living life relatively pain-free and believing life lived without God is, therefore, not a problem.
A life that warrants daily trust in God—via difficulty and disappointment—is a gift.
In a sermon published in 1913, C.H. Spurgeon said,
Believe that the deepest afflictions are neighbors always to the highest joys, and that the greatest possible privileges lie close by the darkest trials. If the bitterer your sorrow, the louder your song at the last, there is a reason for that, and that reason faith may discover and experience live upon.
Let us hope in God in magnanimous ways this week.

Today is the 594th day of my adoption wait.Truly, our hope during times of difficulty will be in direct proportion to our view of God. If we believe God is enough, we will be hopeful. If we believe God is incapable, we will be anxious.
We must recognize that there is something worse than experiencing trials and difficulties, and that is experiencing trials and difficulties without hoping in God. There is also the danger of living life relatively pain-free and believing life lived without God is, therefore, not a problem.
A life that warrants daily trust in God—via difficulty and disappointment—is a gift.
In a sermon published in 1913, C.H. Spurgeon said,
Believe that the deepest afflictions are neighbors always to the highest joys, and that the greatest possible privileges lie close by the darkest trials. If the bitterer your sorrow, the louder your song at the last, there is a reason for that, and that reason faith may discover and experience live upon.
Let us hope in God in magnanimous ways this week.

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