Leaves of Grace

I'm enjoying the last few weeks of green leaves. It's easier with this green leaf clip trio by OrdinaryMommy!
I've (officially) been the mother of a 4-year-old boy for a week and a half. While it's been the best week and a half in recent memory, it has also been the most exhausting.Even as I write these words, the sentences on my computer screen are bobbling up and down like the scan lines on an old television set. I haven't heard my alarm clock since the day my son came to live with us--we are most often awake hours before the alarm is scheduled to sound.
And this is what I am reminded of:
We need no less grace to live our daily lives than we needed to be saved.
The same grace that saves is the grace we need for gracious responses, for genuine love, for dedicated service.
A very real part of me believes--if parenthood highlights my inability to live in my own strength--glory be! Anything that forces a more realistic view of myself and my need for God is exactly what I need ...
ZZZ ...

Labels: Parenting, Sunday Pearls, Trisha
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