Happy Holiday!

Photo by Horia Varlan
When it comes to important holidays, there are a handful I take very seriously.
For me, days like Christmas, Easter, July 4th, and Thanksgiving are at the top of my list. (Unique, I know.) But here is another holiday that could easily climb in the ranks.
Thanks to a handful of readers who gave me the heads up:
April 7th is National No Housework Day.
No kidding! A simple Google search turned up 9,190,000 results to prove the point. And so I encourage you to follow my lead. Tomorrow I will not dust. I will not polish, pluck, or plunder. I will spend time with my family. I will take inventory of the things that matter most.
What will YOU do?

Aw man, it's 3:30 pm Thursday here. I wish I'd realised this earlier in the day! I will have to have a No Housework day-in-lieu later!
Bing Crosby's song, "Happy Holidays," is playing in my mind and I am smiling! I will definitely take advantage of this holiday tomorrow. I will enjoy the family and will do my best to NOT throw in a load of laundry! Thanks House Honcho for making my night!
Gah, didn't click the link till 6pm Thursday here. Oh well. I won't do anything else...
I just discovered your website and I love it. Why isn't it more well known? Do you keep it a secret? This is the best homemaking site I have seen in a long while. You are balanced and don't take things so seriously. And your ideas are great. Thank you for your work here. I am going to pass the site on to my granddaughters.
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