Thank YOU.

Photo by takomabibelot
And we interrupt this broadcast. . ."I just wanted to stop a second here (from caring for our Furry and Feathered Family members) and let you know that I receive several daily e-mails, blogs, newsletters, homeschool lessons, etc.. BUT yours is the ONLY one I actually check to see if it has arrived each day, never fail to open, AND follow the links to any and every thing mentioned.
Your love for Family and Home is apparently genuine, infectious and wonderful.
Like most good things, friends, opportunities, gold nuggets,and priceless experiences in life, I discovered you by 'accident' and am grateful I was blessed to do so.
You are a gem."
To the dear reader who sent me that e-mail--and to all of you who faithfully read this crazy blog: I find caring for my home to be extremely enjoyable. But what I find truly wonderful is the fact that home management--and the love of it--is still alive and well. There are certain types of people that would like to say "homemaking" is not for the classy, sophisticated, or professional--but do not be fooled. It is the most classy, most sophisticated, most professional person who understands that caring for the needs of others--in whatever capacity that time and resources allow--is second to no other occupation.
Thank you for reading. I look forward to growing this home management initiative with you.
Keep it simple!

Labels: Reader Feedback, Trisha
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