
Photo by LollyKnit
Introducing Author Fridays.On my list of loves—right before baking soda and right after my affection for notebooks—is a good plot. (As in novels, not cemeteries.)
Good writers—the truly reliable ones that write a good book every time—are hard to find. And when they are found, they usually have a lot of good things to say. In my line of work, I rub shoulders with a lot of great writers every day--many of whom happen to love home management, (since many of them work out of their homes!)
So since Friday is the designated day we work on our home office/library/study spaces, it would only make sense that we interview the people whose books line our shelves. I intend to use Friday's blog space to interview writers of all types--asking questions that pertain to you and your home.
One of my personal favorite writers is Deborah Raney. I met her two years ago at a conference and now search for her books at book shops with the tenacity of a child searching for Easter eggs.
What has always impressed me about Deb, in addition to her truly intriguing writing, is her love of home and family. (And, let it be known that she has created and maintained a home office worthy of her work. (Though rumor has it, her first office was synonymous with with her kitchen table.)
Deb was kind enough to answer some questions for me about her recently-re-released novel, Beneath a Southern Sky, mixed in with a few questions about her love of home management. You'll want to come back to the blog tomorrow to check out our inaugural Author Friday interview, as well as see pictures of Deb's cozy office space.
Keep it simple!

Labels: Author Fridays, Trisha
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