Rain and Other Words

Photo by penreyes
But rain isn't what I'm talking about.
Tonight, if you listen very closely, you can hear the rhythmic tap tap tap of the keys on my keyboard. I am making the final edits to my first book manuscript which will be submitted to the publisher tomorrow. It has been a work in progress. Mere months ago, my husband and I began this journey together. We've laughed, cried, thrown crumpled pages at each other instead of in the trash can, and we've put on paper what has been the difficult journey of waiting.
Tomorrow, this part of the trip will be done.
I look forward to sharing more details. Stay tuned. And for now, if you can hear it, enjoy the sound of the rain.

If you listen very closely, you can hear it.It is raining tonight. I love the rain. It's one of the things I dread not hearing during the winter months. My husband loves the snow--and snow is okay--but it doesn't sound like rain. I'd rather listen to rain than make snow people.
But rain isn't what I'm talking about.
Tonight, if you listen very closely, you can hear the rhythmic tap tap tap of the keys on my keyboard. I am making the final edits to my first book manuscript which will be submitted to the publisher tomorrow. It has been a work in progress. Mere months ago, my husband and I began this journey together. We've laughed, cried, thrown crumpled pages at each other instead of in the trash can, and we've put on paper what has been the difficult journey of waiting.
Tomorrow, this part of the trip will be done.
I look forward to sharing more details. Stay tuned. And for now, if you can hear it, enjoy the sound of the rain.

Labels: Adoption, Announcements, Trisha
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