SPARK #9: The Namesake

Happy Autumn! Friday marks the first day! Check out these lovely earrings by CreaShines!
I am thinking about names tonight. I attended a baby shower. It's inevitable.After searching the Internet in vain for a baby shower game to enjoy with my friends, I created one of my own. (Mainly, I didn't want to pin the tail on anything--specifically the mother's belly--and I wasn't interested in sticking my nose in a diaper of any kind.) In the process of creating the game, I did some research of baby names and here are 10 of my personal favorites that I found. (Yes. These are actual names that belong to actual human beings.)
Audio Science
Brick Wall
Moon Unit
Moxie CrimeFighter
Male and Female (twins)
Number 16 Bus Shelter
There are two main reasons my husband and I gave our son the name that we did. 1) It is a family name. 2) It passed my litmus test (which is simply: How would the name look on a nursing home door in 80 years?)
SPARK #9: Where did your name come from? What does it mean? What do you want it to represent to others?
I'm still trying to imagine how someone would introduce himself/herself as "Brick Wall."

Names I have heard.......
From the islands below Guam where I used to live - Actifed and Sudafed (twins)
From Haiti - Magnesia
From Detroit - Lemonjello (le mon jelo) and Orangejello (your an jelo)
From Detroit - Formica Dinette
When my husband and I were choosing a name for our son our criteria was the name had to be someone you would want on your baseball team but also someone you would trust with your finances. It needed to be approachable but trustworthy. We named him Riley Thomas Russell.
He is the most wonderful, warm, funny kid with tons of character.
Can you imagine the conversations with "brick wall" and his wife? Can't you just hear the arguments .... "Trying to reason with you is like talking to a brick wall." :-)
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