Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Grumble, Grumble, Hallelujah!

I love this fabric covered button necklace by Tamar. Want one? Check it out!
I'm sick.
... the kind of sick that happens after final exams, that happens after the holidays, that happens as a let-down after something really important.

I am tired, achy, resentful of the tremendous energy exhibited by my husband. I would say something unhelpful to him, but I am tired.

And since I don't want you to have stumbled on my blog tonight only to find a grumble, I will give you this--pilfered in broad daylight from my dear friend, Heather Mayo:

"[My husband] had an idea to get a little dry erase board with magnets to put on the fridge and use it as a Thankfulness Board. The idea is to write down something we are thankful for every day. I like it."

I love it. I may just do this, Heather ... tomorrow ... when I am done grumbling.


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