Favorite Things: (Cheap) Entertainment Choices

Photo by franckdethier
1. I listen to music at www.pandora.com. Known as the "new kind of radio stations that play only the music you like," you can actually guide the site to play music that you want. And you're never stuck waiting for a song to end before moving on to something better.
2. I watch television via www.hulu.com. All of my husband's and my favorite shows can be found online. We haven't paid a cable bill in almost five years. The commercials are shorter. And you never, ever have to plan your life around the time a show comes on T.V.
3. I rent movies and check out books through the inter-library loan department of my local library. I have never been at a loss when looking for a specific title. And as long as I return the material on time, I never have to pay a penny.
So many choices. So little cost. Why pay extra for entertainment?
Happy Friday!

I love Friday, and not just because it's the beginning of a weekend. I get to talk about my favorite things.Since Fridays are often synonymous with relaxation/entertainment, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you my three favorite (inexpensive) entertainment choices. In my opinion, these are the most guilt-free ways to enjoy the entertainment we love.
1. I listen to music at www.pandora.com. Known as the "new kind of radio stations that play only the music you like," you can actually guide the site to play music that you want. And you're never stuck waiting for a song to end before moving on to something better.
2. I watch television via www.hulu.com. All of my husband's and my favorite shows can be found online. We haven't paid a cable bill in almost five years. The commercials are shorter. And you never, ever have to plan your life around the time a show comes on T.V.
3. I rent movies and check out books through the inter-library loan department of my local library. I have never been at a loss when looking for a specific title. And as long as I return the material on time, I never have to pay a penny.
So many choices. So little cost. Why pay extra for entertainment?
Happy Friday!

Labels: Entertainment, Favorite Things, Saving Money, Trisha
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