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I have been bursting at the seams all weekend to share this news!
Our efforts here at HouseHoncho are beginning to pick up steam--no small endeavor for the little website that could! As each week passes, we are hearing more and learning more about how our home management initiative is making a difference in lives around the world.
Most recently, House Honcho was a featured favorite with ADDitude. Here is what was said: forum member Autumn Night asked, "Wouldn't it be great if there was an ADD List of Weekly Household Chores online? Like, one made up by the ADD experts, simple and not overwhelming?" And Arkypam had just the answer: "There's a new, free website you might want to check out called Each night (six days a week) they send out a list of cleaning/organizing tasks for the next day. By picking only three tasks, the creator swears your house will change dramatically. Each day she focuses on a different room. No pressure. ONE daily e-mail. She has a good blog, too. I find it's perfect for ADDers."
The editor's response: We just subscribed!
Thank you, Arkypam! And thank you to each one of you who recommends our website! Please continue to let me know what you do to tell our story. I would love to thank you personally.
We have lots of wonderful ideas and plans in the works! And we can say with absolute confidence that home management--as a love and priority--is alive and well.
Keep it simple!

Labels: Announcements, Trisha, Websites
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