Worms and Putt Putt

Photo by Miss Turner
Since today is the day we focus on family rooms, I thought it would be appropriate to call a little "family meeting."
(That was just a fancy way of saying--I'm going to make some announcements. No one's in trouble.)
1. Competition reminder. Don't forget to comment on blogs--past or present--and forum posts. Each time you do this, you will get your name added to the hat for the TARGET gift card drawing. The drawing will be done this Friday at noon.
2. Dear HouseHoncho announcement. My e-mail inbox is being flooded with comments and questions for Wednesday's Dear HouseHoncho post. THANK YOU! Keep sending away! Because several of these questions are ones I would love to hear answered by our community of readers, I am going to add a category on the forum called, "Reader Q&A" where I will post some of the questions that I'd like to hear you respond to. Feel free to drop in and contribute your two cents.
3. ANOTHER CONTEST announcement. I know. It's like contest overdrive around here. On Friday we had the opportunity to interview Kit Wilkinson on the blog. She has graciously agreed to donate one copy of her new book, SABOTAGE, to us for a drawing. So here's the deal. All you need to do is respond to this blog post and tell me one thing you've done--past or present-- to celebrate spring in your home, and your name will be entered in the book drawing which will take place on Friday at noon.
4. Stay-cation invitation. You've heard of "stay-cations," correct? The idea is that you take time off of work and--instead of taking that over-the-top cruise to the Bahamas--you stay home and play putt putt. Well, here's your opportunity to go on a vacation right from your computer desk. I am going to be traveling to a conference beginning this weekend and will be taking a break from blogging about daily home tips. I will, during my travels, be blogging my experiences traveling across the country, meeting other home managers, etc. You are welcome to follow along or ignore me altogether for the week. But it should be a fun time. And yes, your daily to-do list will still be sent.
That wraps up this week's family meeting.
Now to scrub my fingernails before tomorrow's presentation at work...

Spring is officially here.Yes, I know the calendar proclaims March 20th to be the first official day of spring this year. But do not be fooled. Today my flowers are planted, and there is enough dirt on my hands to comfortably house a family of worms. So today is the first official day of spring in my book.
Since today is the day we focus on family rooms, I thought it would be appropriate to call a little "family meeting."
(That was just a fancy way of saying--I'm going to make some announcements. No one's in trouble.)
1. Competition reminder. Don't forget to comment on blogs--past or present--and forum posts. Each time you do this, you will get your name added to the hat for the TARGET gift card drawing. The drawing will be done this Friday at noon.
2. Dear HouseHoncho announcement. My e-mail inbox is being flooded with comments and questions for Wednesday's Dear HouseHoncho post. THANK YOU! Keep sending away! Because several of these questions are ones I would love to hear answered by our community of readers, I am going to add a category on the forum called, "Reader Q&A" where I will post some of the questions that I'd like to hear you respond to. Feel free to drop in and contribute your two cents.
3. ANOTHER CONTEST announcement. I know. It's like contest overdrive around here. On Friday we had the opportunity to interview Kit Wilkinson on the blog. She has graciously agreed to donate one copy of her new book, SABOTAGE, to us for a drawing. So here's the deal. All you need to do is respond to this blog post and tell me one thing you've done--past or present-- to celebrate spring in your home, and your name will be entered in the book drawing which will take place on Friday at noon.
4. Stay-cation invitation. You've heard of "stay-cations," correct? The idea is that you take time off of work and--instead of taking that over-the-top cruise to the Bahamas--you stay home and play putt putt. Well, here's your opportunity to go on a vacation right from your computer desk. I am going to be traveling to a conference beginning this weekend and will be taking a break from blogging about daily home tips. I will, during my travels, be blogging my experiences traveling across the country, meeting other home managers, etc. You are welcome to follow along or ignore me altogether for the week. But it should be a fun time. And yes, your daily to-do list will still be sent.
That wraps up this week's family meeting.
Now to scrub my fingernails before tomorrow's presentation at work...

Labels: Announcements, Trisha
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