Easter Sunday

Photo by Carissa GoodNCrazy
And here is the Easter blog.Apart from the candy, the baskets, the dresses, and the eggs, there is a whole level of significance attached to the Easter holiday that often gets lost in the shuffle. According to the New Testament—the second of the two major divisions of the Bible—the resurrection of Jesus marks the foundation for the Christian faith and is celebrated on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25 every year.
Below are 5 inexpensive and creative ideas for celebrating Easter:
1. Attend a church service with your family. (Feel free to contact us if you'd like help picking a place to visit.)
2. Place non-candy items in the plastic Easter eggs—consider little notes or words of wisdom.
3. Reach out to someone who is alone on the holiday with a card or invitation over to your home.
4. Read Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, or John 20 and 21 from the Bible. It will give you tremendous insight into the Easter celebration. (You do not need to consider yourself Christian to do this!)
5. Give someone a Bible. (Consider giving one of your Bibles away if you have more copies than you are currently using.)
Remember, one of the most important things you can do in your home--for any holiday--is celebrate the meaning behind the day.

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